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Quiver Tree

Quiver Tree


Discover the Aloidendron dichotomum, a strikingly unique specimen in the succulent world. Native to arid regions, this plant is a testament to the marvels of adaptation and resilience. Its captivating appearance, coupled with an intriguing blend of scientific and common names, makes it an alluring addition to any collection. From its distinctive physical characteristics to its notable growth style, the Aloidendron dichotomum is a living piece of art, offering a glimpse into the diverse and fascinating world of succulents.


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  • Care Guide

    Light Requirements

    This plant thrives in bright, indirect sunlight. Direct sun can be tolerated but with care to avoid scorching.


    Growing Season & Dormancy

    Active growth occurs in cooler months, while it becomes dormant in the hot summers, conserving energy and water.



    It produces vibrant yellow flowers between June and July, adding a splash of color to its already striking appearance.


    Water Requirements

    Water moderately during the growing season and reduce drastically during dormancy. Overwatering can lead to root rot.



    Non-toxic, making it safe for homes with pets and children.



    It withstands temperatures as low as -4°C but prefers warmer climates. Frost protection is essential in colder regions.

  • Plant Info

    Scientific Name

    The scientific name 'Aloidendron dichotomum' is a blend of Greek and Latin roots. 'Aloides' refers to its resemblance to the Aloe, while 'dendron' means tree in Greek, alluding to its tree-like structure. 'Dichotomum' is derived from Latin, indicating its characteristic branching pattern, which divides repeatedly into two.


    Common Names

    Commonly known as the 'Quiver Tree' or 'Kokerboom', it earns its names from the San people who used its hollowed branches to make quivers for their arrows. This name not only reflects its cultural significance but also its distinctive physical form.


    Origin & Habitat

    Native to Southern Africa, particularly South Africa and Namibia, the Aloidendron dichotomum thrives in arid, rocky habitats. Its unique adaptations, such as water-storing trunks and photosynthetic bark, allow it to survive in extreme conditions where few others can.


    Unique Physical Characteristics

    The Aloidendron dichotomum is renowned for its striking appearance. It possesses a thick, fibrous trunk and branches that fork dichotomously, creating a distinctive silhouette. The powdery bark and blue-green leaves further add to its allure, while the texture of its trunk, resembling the skin of an elephant, is a tactile delight.


    Size & Growth Style

    This slow-growing tree can reach up to 9 meters in height. Its growth style is a result of its adaptation to harsh environments, with its height aiding in light absorption and temperature regulation. The dichotomous branching pattern helps in maximizing photosynthesis.


    Interesting Facts

    • The Quiver Tree is not technically a tree but a succulent.
    • It can live up to 300 years.
    • Used in traditional medicine for treating asthma and tuberculosis.
    • It flowers in winter, producing bright yellow blooms.
    • It's a favorite subject for photographers due to its dramatic silhouette.


    Conservation Status

    The Aloidendron dichotomum is classified as 'Vulnerable' on the IUCN Red List due to climate change and habitat loss, making it a valuable addition for conservation-minded collectors.

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