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Echinopsis 'Buttercup'

Echinopsis 'Buttercup'


Meet the Echinopsis 'Buttercup', a captivating yet understated presence in the succulent world. This variety is a quiet standout, known for its elegant simplicity and resilience. Ideal for both seasoned enthusiasts and newcomers to succulent gardening, the Echinopsis 'Buttercup' offers a blend of beauty and practicality. It's a plant that doesn't demand attention with grandeur, but rather, wins hearts with its subtle charm and ease of care. With attributes that span from its intriguing growth habits to its delightful flowering, this cactus is a testament to the beauty found in simplicity.


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  • Care Guide

    Light Requirements

    Echinopsis 'Buttercup' thrives in bright, indirect sunlight. Direct sunlight can be tolerated but should be introduced gradually to avoid sunburn.


    Growing Season and Dormancy

    This cactus actively grows in the spring and summer, slowing down in the colder months. During winter, it enters a dormant state, requiring minimal water and care.



    Echinopsis 'Buttercup' blooms with stunning, buttercup-yellow flowers in spring and early summer. These nocturnal blossoms are a sight to behold, creating a striking contrast against its green body.


    Water Requirements

    Water moderately during the growing season, allowing the soil to dry out between watering. Reduce watering during dormancy to prevent rot.



    This cactus is non-toxic, making it a safe addition to homes with pets and children.



    Echinopsis 'Buttercup' can withstand a range of temperatures but prefers warmer conditions. Protect from frost to maintain its vibrant appearance.

  • Plant Info

    Scientific Name

    The scientific name 'Echinopsis' is derived from Greek, where 'echinos' means 'hedgehog' and 'opsis' means 'appearance'. This name aptly describes the plant’s hedgehog-like, spiky appearance, giving a nod to its distinctive texture and form.


    Common Names

    Echinopsis 'Buttercup' is often called the 'Buttercup Cactus' or 'Golden Echinopsis'. These names reflect its charming, buttercup-yellow flowers and the golden hue that adorns its petals, evoking images of sunny fields and cheerful summer days.


    Origin & Habitat

    Native to South America, the Echinopsis 'Buttercup' thrives in arid environments like Bolivia and Argentina. It's adapted to survive in harsh conditions, storing water in its fleshy body and opening its flowers at night to conserve moisture.


    Unique Physical Characteristics

    This plant boasts a globular, sometimes cylindrical shape with a soft, green body and woolly areoles. Its spines, while present, are generally sparse, allowing its true texture and form to shine through. This unique combination of softness and resilience is a delightful paradox in the plant world.


    Size & Growth Style

    Echinopsis 'Buttercup' typically reaches a modest size, growing up to 15-20 cm in diameter. This compact growth is an evolutionary adaptation to its native arid landscapes, where resources such as water and nutrients are in limited supply. The plant's growth style is a study in efficiency and conservation. It conserves energy and resources by maintaining a size that is sustainable in its natural habitat, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a resilient and low-maintenance succulent.


    Interesting Facts

    • Echinopsis 'Buttercup' flowers at night, attracting nocturnal pollinators.
    • The plant is known to live for several decades.
    • In some cultures, it's believed to have medicinal properties.
    • The cactus has a rapid growth rate compared to other succulents.


    Conservation Status

    Echinopsis 'Buttercup' is not currently listed as endangered. However, like many cacti and succulents, it faces threats from habitat loss and illegal collection.

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